I am using a custom view from here. I want to disable user interactions with the view pager 2 using this: But, it moves when I click on a dot of that view. I tried to disable that using this: But, that does not seem to work. Then how can we disable clicks on it? Answer Library uses setOnClickListener internally
Tag: android-custom-view
RecyclerVIew item width doesn’t fill screen width
I’m filling a RecyclerView with custom view as a list item, ListItem, creating it from the onCreateViewHolder function. The problem is, the list item view’s width isn’t filling the recyclerview (the parent) width, but in reality it wraps the width of the content (it’s set to match_parent not wrap_content). I’m guessing that since I’m creating the view programmatically, it has
Difference between CustomTextView as Parent and Textview as Parent
i created CustomTextview as below . what is the difference between This and this When i put this TextView textView = findViewbyId(R.id.view); IDE runs without throwing error. Why? Thanks! Answer A real life comparison: When you learn to drive a manual transmission car, you can drive almost any manual transmission car. Imagine how bad it would be if you had