I have a created bitmaps. Sizes are not specific. Sometimes 120×60 , 129×800 , 851×784. Its not have a specific value… I want to make these bitmaps resizing to 512×512 always but without changing original images aspect ratio. And without cropping. New image must have canvas 512×512 and original image must be center without any cropping. I was resizing my
Tag: android-bitmap
Get Bitmap using a Target in Picasso
I’m working on movies Android app which get list of movies from an API which provides a poster path for all movies. I want to get the image as Bitmap from the image’s URL to save it as a Bitmap variable in the model class. I want to save the image as blob in the DB to retrieve it directly
Flip a Bitmap image horizontally or vertically
By using this code we can rotate an image: But how can we flip an image horizontally or vertically? Answer Given cx,cy is the centre of the image: Flip in x: Flip in y: Altogether: