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Spring Boot, Swagger and Authorisation

I have a Spring Boot API that uses Springdoc (Swagger). The API has security with “apiKey” and “code” fields being passed in the header. I am having difficulty configuring Swagger correctly to enable the Authentication function in the Swagger UI. This is the configuration:

public OpenAPI alartaCoreAdtAPI() {
    return new OpenAPI()
            .addSecurityItem(new SecurityRequirement().addList("BASIC"))
               new Components()
                       new SecurityScheme()

              .info(new Info().title(config.getApiTitle())

I know this is incorrect, but are unsure how to configure it.

Any assistance appreciated.

Attempts at solution: from @indybee recommendation:

    public OpenAPI alartaCoreAdtAPI() {
        return new OpenAPI()
                .addSecurityItem(new SecurityRequirement().addList("BASIC"))
                .components( new Components()
                        .addSecuritySchemes("apiKey", securityScheme("apiKey"))
                        .addSecuritySchemes("code", securityScheme("code"))

                  .info(new Info().title(config.getApiTitle())
                  .license(new License().name(config.getApiLicenseTitle()).url(config.getApiLicenseUrl())))
    private SecurityScheme securityScheme(String name) {
        return new

This is where I get to (unfortunately, it still doesn’t authorize when I test an endpoint)

enter image description here

Finally, this appears to work (using guidance from @indybee):


        .components( new Components()
                .addSecuritySchemes("apiKey", securityScheme("apiKey"))
                .addSecuritySchemes("code", securityScheme("code"))
        .addSecurityItem(new SecurityRequirement().addList("apiKey").addList("code")) 



To pass 2 custom headers of “apiKey” and “code” with every request

add this method:

private SecurityScheme securityScheme(String name) {
    return new

and replace your .components() block with following

.components(new Components()
        .addSecuritySchemes("apiKey", securityScheme("apiKey"))
        .addSecuritySchemes("code", securityScheme("code"))

Authorize dialog

curl command

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