I have a question that sorts data from a car report of txt file.
The question is: How do I listed cars sorted by their MAKE (Ford, Chevy ..etc). They only need the MAKE to be sorted so they can be all FORD cars under each other, then Chevy, DODGE .. so on and so forth like this:
And this is what I have so far:
Here’s my source code:
public class CustomerSale { // Details of reports private String zipCodeExtension; private int customerNumber; private String customerName; private int purchaseDate; private String make; private int purchasePrice; private int yearOfVehicle; private int satisfactionRating; // Create constructor argument public CustomerSale(String zipCodeExtension, int customerNumber, String customerName, int purchaseDate, String make, int purchasePrice, int yearOfVehicle, int satisfactionRating) { this.zipCodeExtension = zipCodeExtension; this.customerNumber = customerNumber; this.customerName = customerName; this.purchaseDate = purchaseDate; this.make = make; this.purchasePrice = purchasePrice; this.yearOfVehicle = yearOfVehicle; this.satisfactionRating = satisfactionRating; } // Create getters and setters public String getMake() { return make; } public void setMake(String make) { this.make = make; } public String getZipCodeExtension() { return zipCodeExtension; } public void setZipCodeExtension(String zipCodeExtension) { this.zipCodeExtension = zipCodeExtension; } public int getCustomerNumber() { return customerNumber; } public void setCustomerNumber(int customerNumber) { this.customerNumber = customerNumber; } public String getCustomerName() { return customerName; } public void setCustomerName(String customerName) { this.customerName = customerName; } public int getPurchaseDate() { return purchaseDate; } public void setPurchaseDate(int purchaseDate) { this.purchaseDate = purchaseDate; } public double getPurchasePrice() { return purchasePrice; } public void setPurchasePrice(int purchasePrice) { this.purchasePrice = purchasePrice; } public int getYearOfVehicle() { return yearOfVehicle; } public void setYearOfVehicle(int yearOfVehicle) { this.yearOfVehicle = yearOfVehicle; } public int getSatisfactionRating() { return satisfactionRating; } public void setSatisfactionRating(int satisfactionRating) { this.satisfactionRating = satisfactionRating; } }
import java.io.*; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.*; public class SortByMake { public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { File carsInfo = new File("src/custsale.txt"); Scanner carsScanner = new Scanner(carsInfo); String format = "%-20s%-14s%-21s%-16s%-19s$%-17s%-14s%-20sn"; while (carsScanner.hasNextLine()) { // Read the carsScanner String zipCodeExtension = carsScanner.nextLine(); int customerNumber = Integer.parseInt(carsScanner.nextLine()); String customerName = carsScanner.nextLine(); int purchaseDate = Integer.parseInt(carsScanner.nextLine()); String make = carsScanner.nextLine(); int purchasePrice = Integer.parseInt(carsScanner.nextLine()); int yearOfVehicle = Integer.parseInt(carsScanner.nextLine()); int satisfactionRating = Integer.parseInt(carsScanner.nextLine()); CustomerSale custsale = new CustomerSale(zipCodeExtension, customerNumber, customerName, purchaseDate, make, purchasePrice, yearOfVehicle, satisfactionRating); // Display the report DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#,#####"); System.out.printf(format, custsale.getZipCodeExtension(), custsale.getCustomerNumber(), custsale.getCustomerName(), custsale.getPurchaseDate(), custsale.getMake(), df.format(custsale.getPurchasePrice()), custsale.getYearOfVehicle(), custsale.getSatisfactionRating()); } ArrayList<CustomerSale> carMake = new ArrayList<>(); Collections.sort(carMake, Comparator.comparing(CustomerSale::getMake)); final int pageSize = 30; int carCounter = 0; for(CustomerSale car : carMake){ if (carCounter % pageSize == 0) { printPageHeader(carCounter / pageSize + 1); } // Increment the car counter carCounter++; } carsScanner.close(); } private static void printPageHeader(int i) { System.out.println( "-------------------------------------------------ABC USED CARS----------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println( "-------------------------------------------------------" + "PAGE " + i + "-----------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.printf("%-19s%-15s%-21s%-15s%-20s%-17s%-12s%-20sn", "|ZIP CODE-EXT|", "|CUST No.|", "|CUSTOMER NAME|", "|DoP|", "|MAKE|", "|PRICE|", "|YEAR|", "|RATE|"); System.out.println( "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } }
Here’s text file report:
46410-1234 1001 ALBERT, CARL T. 08252001 FORD 0255000 1991 2 46307-1201 1003 ANDREWS, ROBERT 08262001 CHEVROLET 0700000 1958 0 46423-2311 1008 ANZIO, RAFELINO 09012001 CHEVROLET 0456050 1978 0 46424-0121 1010 ASHLEY, WILLIAM B. 09022001 PIERCE-ARROW 1240000 1932 2 46375-3110 1015 ATKINSON, MARK 08272001 STUDEBAKER 0050000 1958 1 46405-1291 1025 AVERY, ALFRED A. 08292001 HUDSON 0230000 1954 1 46301-1234 1031 BEZZMEK, JENNIFER 08272001 FORD 0455000 1995 2 46303-1201 1033 BLAKE, DONALD 08292001 FORD 0722050 1989 1 46413-2311 1041 BLONDELL, BONNIE 09042001 CHEVROLET 0356050 1988 1 46404-0121 1045 BONADIO, JAMES 09032001 PIERCE-ARROW 1150000 1935 2 46307-3110 1055 BUCKO, ONIEDA 08282001 STUDEBAKER 0245000 1964 1 46410-1291 1056 BYMANN, FREDRICK 08292001 FORD 0330000 1994 1 46342-1234 1061 CALBERT, RONALD 09052001 FORD 0355000 1993 2 46307-1211 1063 CHELSEA, MARTHA S. 08302001 DODGE BROS. 0350000 1935 0 46410-2311 1067 CLAFLIN, WAYNE R. 09012001 CHEVROLET 0456050 1990 2 46410-0121 1070 COLE, CHARLES C. 09022001 PIERCE-ARROW 1050000 1929 2 46305-3111 1075 COLEMAN, THOMAS 08272001 STUDEBAKER 0167050 1961 1 46410-1221 1076 COLWELL, RICHARD L. 08292001 HUDSON 0430000 1940 1 46414-1231 1080 COOPER, JOHNATHAN 09052001 FORD 1256000 1996 2 46307-1201 2002 COREY, SARAH D. 08272001 CHEVROLET 0650050 1994 0 46421-2311 2004 CRACKLIN, GOODMAN 09012001 CHEVROLET 1456050 1996 0 46323-0121 2011 CRAWFORD, TIMOTHY 09012001 PIERCE-ARROW 1040000 1931 2 46315-3110 2012 CURRIE, RAYMOND 08282001 STUDEBAKER 0150025 1956 1 46425-1291 2024 CYBORG, IZORE M. 09052001 HUDSON 0130000 1949 1 46410-1234 2031 DALTON, DAVID P. 08252001 FORD 0234000 1990 2 46307-1201 2043 DAVIES, RALPH O. 08262001 CHEVROLET 0333000 1989 0 46423-2311 2048 DENNICK, DONNA 09012001 CHEVROLET 0656025 1995 0 46424-0121 2050 DERBIN, DEANNA 09022001 PIERCE-ARROW 1640025 1937 2 46375-3110 2065 DONNEHUE, PHILLIP 09042001 STUDEBAKER 0054000 1966 1 46405-1291 2085 DOPPLER, RADAR O. 08302001 HUDSON 0311000 1951 1 46310-1234 2091 DUNLOP, RITA 08252001 FORD 1450045 1996 2 46303-1201 3003 DYKES, CYNTHIA 08262001 FORD 0410050 1987 1 46413-2311 3011 EATON, ESTER B. 09012001 CHEVROLET 1356050 1996 0 46404-0121 3015 EFFLEY, BAILY 09022001 PIERCE-ARROW 1446045 1933 2 46307-3110 3025 EGGERTON, AMANDA 08292001 STUDEBAKER 0335000 1965 1 46410-1291 3026 EPPLEY, DAVID 08282001 FORD 0414000 1995 1 46342-1234 3031 ERKLE, ROSA 09032001 FORD 0355020 1993 2 46307-1211 3043 FARNSWORTH, WESLEY 09052001 DODGE BROS. 1150000 1996 0 46410-2311 3047 FLANNERY, JAMES 09012001 CHEVROLET 0450050 1992 0 46410-0121 3050 FOREMAN, OTTO J. 09022001 PIERCE-ARROW 0940000 1927 2 46305-3111 3055 FOWLER, KATHLEEN 08272001 STUDEBAKER 0267050 1964 1 46410-1221 3056 FURNACE, DAVID 08292001 HUDSON 0530000 1948 1 46414-1231 3061 GALLAGHER, CLARENCE 0904200 1FORD 1006000 1992 2 46307-1201 3062 GENNERRO, TONY S. 08302001 CHEVROLET 0320050 1989 0 46421-2311 3066 GOEBEL, NANCY K. 09022001 CHEVROLET 0643050 1990 0 46323-0121 3072 GUNTHER, FREDERICK 09032001 PIERCE-ARROW 1260000 1930 2 46315-3110 3080 HAINES, MARSHALL 08292001 STUDEBAKER 02500251 959 1 46425-1291 3094 HANCOCK, JONATHON 09032001 HUDSON 0330000 1953 1 46423-2311 3098 HARTNETT, ROBERTO 09052001 CHEVROLET 0326040 1988 0 46424-0121 4005 HENNING, SONIA 09052001 PIERCE-ARROW 1305000 1928 2 46375-3110 4009 HORNSBY, ROGERS 08252001 STUDEBAKER 0167500 1962 1 46405-1291 4012 HYATT, JANET F. 08302001 HUDSON 0155000 1951 1 46301-1234 4021 IDZIOR, RAYMOND 09012001 FORD 1460000 1996 2 46303-1201 4022 JENNINGS, WILLIAM 08262001 FORD 0612040 1992 1 46410-2311 4024 JOHNSON, JACK 09032001 CHEVROLET 0256050 1985 0 46404-0121 4032 KULKA, ROBERT C. 09042001 PIERCE-ARROW 0970000 1934 2 46307-3110 4035 KURTZ, DONALD 08302001 STUDEBAKER 0345000 1966 1 46410-1291 4038 LEVANDOWSKI, JILL 08282001 DODGE BROS. 0430000 1988 1 46342-1234 4044 METZ, ARNOLD E. 09012001 FORD 1323000 1996 2 46307-1211 4046 NORRIS, CHARLES S. 09052001 CHEVROLET 0844000 1992 0 46410-2311 4047 NOWAKOWSKI, ALFRED 09012001 DODGE BROS. 0656050 1994 1 46410-0121 4053 O'BOYLE, NIEL 09032001 PIERCE-ARROW 1550000 1938 2 46305-3111 4056 O'BRIAN, PATRICK 08302001 STUDEBAKER 0347050 1962 1 46410-1221 4059 PATTERSON, LENNI R. 08292001 HUDSON 0250000 1946 1 46414-1231 4061 PERRY, SHAMUS 09052001 FORD 0895000 1994 2 46307-1201 4066 REED, ROBERT B. 08272001 CHEVROLET 0740050 1996 0 46421-2311 4067 RODRIGUEZ, ALONZO 09052001 DODGE BROS. 1050050 1995 0 46323-0121 4073 SANCHEZ, HENRY 09012001 PIERCE-ARROW 0830000 1925 2 46315-3110 4081 SWARTZ, HECTOR 08282001 STUDEBAKER 0075025 1954 1 46301-1234 4084 TORREZ, MARTIN 0827200 1FORD 0565000 1994 2 46303-1201 4090 TUTTLE, MARK 08292001 FORD 0710050 1996 1 46413-2311 4094 WARNER, JACK 09042001 CHEVROLET 0856050 1996 0 46404-0121 4115 YACKLEY, YOURTO 09042001 PIERCE-ARROW 1000000 1930 2
it’s pretty straightforward :
read all element and put them in a list:
ArrayList<CustomerSale> sales = new ArrayList<>(); while(...){ sales.add(custsale); }
sort the elements (I’m using streams, but probably
might be less memory expensive since is in-place, e.g.Comparator.comparing(CustomerSale::getMake)
, thanks @Thomas):List<CustomerSale> sorted = sales.stream().sorted((f,s) -> { return f.getMake().compareTo(s.getMake()); }).collect(Collectors.toList());
and only at the end, print the output:
for(int i = 0; i < sorted.size(); i++){ CustomerSale custsale = sorted.get(i); if (i % pageSize == 0) { printPageHeader(i / pageSize + 1); } DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#,#####"); System.out.printf(format, custsale.getZipCodeExtension(), custsale.getCustomerNumber(), custsale.getCustomerName(), custsale.getPurchaseDate(), custsale.getMake(), df.format(custsale.getPurchasePrice()), custsale.getYearOfVehicle(), custsale.getSatisfactionRating()); };