I’ve traced through my code to reverse a linked-list using recursion, and I cannot find anything wrong with it, but I know it does not work. Can anyone please explain why?
Node reverseLL (Node head) { if(curr.next == null) { head = curr; return head; } Node curr = head.next; prev = head; head.next = prev; head = next; reverseLL(head.next); }
Below is a working version of your code, added with some helping structures:
class LList { Node head; void reverse() { head = rev(head, head.next); } private Node rev(Node node, Node next) { if(next == null) return node; //return the node as head, if it hasn't got a next pointer. if(node == this.head) node.next = null; //set the pointer of current head to null. Node temp = next.next; next.next = node; //reverse the pointer of node and next. return rev(next, temp); //reverse pointer of next node and its next. } } class Node { int val; Node next; public Node(int val, Node next) { this.val = val; this.next = next; } }