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Retrieve count data from Firebase Java

I am trying to count the number of children in my DB table that meet a certain condition. If the isSeen column equals false then I want to count that, if it equals true I don’t want to count it.

Currently, it’s not working but if I change the query from Query query = usersRef.orderByChild("isSeen").equalTo(true); to Query query = usersRef.orderByChild("isSeen"); I get a number but it’s not the correct way. Can someone please help me?




Error message:


Database schema



When you’re using the following query:


Firebase will always return the exact data you are querying, meaning that you’ll get all elements that have the isSeen field set to true. Please note that there is no way you can query by a negation. So something like this is not possible:


According to your comment in which you say that you don’t have any elements where the isSeen field is set to true, then your query will yield no results, and that’s the expected behavior.

While @TimothyPham’s answer will work, using getChildrenCount() might be the best solution. Why? Because if you have a lot of messages this operation requires you to read all of them in order to provide a number. The best solution I can think of would be to increment/decrement a counter as explained in my answer from the following post:



But this code will only work if you have elements in the database that have he isSeen field is set to true.

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