I’m freshman in Rest-Assured. I have a simple test which gets response body and I want to validate whether the response body matches with my POJO class.
Here is my test:
@Test public void getMySmartPlansList() { MySPList mysp = new MySPList(); given().log().all().spec(getReqSpec()) .get(Endpoints.getMY_SP()) .then().assertThat().statusCode(200).body("first_page_url", equalTo(mysp.getFirst_page_url())); System.out.println("SUCCESS"); }
Here is my POJO class:
package com.payloads; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import lombok.Getter; import java.util.List; @Getter public class MySPList { private int current_page; private List<MySPObject> data; private String first_page_url = "/?page=1"; private int from; private int last_page; private String last_page_url; @JsonIgnore private String next_page_url; //// private String path; private int per_page; @JsonIgnore private String prev_page_url; //// private int to; private int total; }
So how to validate that the response body structure is equal to my POJO class?
Thanks in advance
Try the approach like this:
MyPOJO myPojo = RestAssured.given() .get(new URL("https://YOU_URL")) .getBody() .as(MyPOJO.class);
And then compare the object to your golden one as usual.