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Query on parent’s collection – Hibernate Specification

I have three tables created with Hibernate. Product is the parent while barcodes is a collection end price is a child (one to many) of products.

private String ref;    

@ElementCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
@CollectionTable(name = "products_barcodes")
private List<String> barcodes;

@OneToMany(mappedBy = "parent", fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
private List<PriceEntity> prices;

I’m trying to query starting from the child (Price). I was able to query on a string but now i would like to query on the collection s element.

     Specifications<PriceEntity> specifications = where(hasTenant(tid));

     if (isNotBlank(ref)) {
         specifications = specifications.and(hasRef(ref));

     if (isNotBlank(barcode)) {
         specifications = specifications.and(hasBarcode(barcode));


    public static Specification<PriceEntity> hasRef(final String ref) {

        return new Specification<PriceEntity>() {

            public Predicate toPredicate(Root<PriceEntity> root, CriteriaQuery<?> criteriaQuery, CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder) {

                return criteriaBuilder.equal(root.<PriceEntity>get("parent").get("ref"), ref);

public static Specification<PriceEntity> hasBarcode(final String barcode) {

    return new Specification<PriceEntity>() {

        public Predicate toPredicate(Root<PriceEntity> root, CriteriaQuery<?> criteriaQuery, CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder) {

            return criteriaBuilder.equal(root.<PriceEntity>get("parent").get("barcodes"), barcode);

how would you write the specification? The one above is not working, i get this exception at runtime:

"IllegalArgumentException: Parameter value [8003921360408] did not match expected type [java.util.Collection (n/a)]"




Question solved by Thomas s comment.

For collections criteriaBuilder.isMember should be used.

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