Below is my yml file in spring boot app
stack: apiContext: data-service domainOwner: trata domainContext: Madata-service #cluster: # servicePort: 12000 #gossipPort: 13000 #seedName: seed-service # seeds: # - localhost:14000 cluster: servicePort: 21000 gossipPort: 15000 # seedName: seed-service seeds: - localhost:13000 providers: com.cloudimpl.out.collection.CollectionProvider: - name: MemCollection impl: com.cloudimpl.outstack.collection.MemCollectionProvider status: active - name: com.cloudimpl.outstack.collection.CollectionProvider impl: com.cloudimpl.outstack.collection.AwsCollectionProvider # status: active configs: endpoint: http://localhost:1234 leaderTable: LeaderTable com.cloudimpl.outstack.runtime.EventRepositoryFactory: - name: MemRepositoryFactory impl: com.cloudimpl.outstack.runtime.repo.MemEventRepositoryFactory - name: PostgresRepositoryFactory impl: com.cloudimpl.outstack.spring.repo.PostgresRepositoryFactory status: active configs: jdbcUrl: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/test username: postgres password: QazWsx@1234 defaultTable: masterdataService #UserTable: userTable server: port: 9096 spring: main: web-application-type: reactive
below value access is working file
@Value("${outstack.domainOwner}") private String abc;
but when I try to access in below way it gives an error.
@Value("${}") private String abc;
I checked it gives error only when add “com.cloudimpl.outstack.runtime.EventRepositoryFactory” this part.
How can I solve this??
It doesn’t work so. You have list with values under “”. It means you can add variable like so:
@Value("${}") private List<ParamWrapper> abc; class ParamWrapper { private String name; private String impl; .... getters and setters }
And then check your params in this list.