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Should I use shared mutable variable update in Java 8 Streams

Just iterating below list & adding into another shared mutable list via java 8 streams. What is the difference between above three iteration & which one we need to use. Are there any considerations? Answer Functionally speaking,for the simple cases they are almost the same, but generally speaking, there are some hidden differences: Lets start by quoting from Javadoc of

Replace .equals() with Objects.equals()

I was writing code, when IntelliJ suggested me a correction on: telling me that the Method invocation equals may produce the good old java.lang.NullPointerException , proposing as solution something that I wasn’t aware of, Objects.equals: Reading the documentation I see only one potential problem, which is that if objectOne == null and objectTwo == null , then the result is

Maven Jetty spams warning “scanned from multiple locations”

I’ve found a similar question here , but it points to a plugin that I’m not using (maven-failsafe-plugin), and the configuration that solution is referring to is not applicable for me. The problem is that since I’ve updated my jetty plugin from to <version>9.4.11.v20180605</version> , it started to spam hundreds of warnings like I’ve searched everywhere but I can’t understand

How do I add a Splash screen to a main program in javafx?

I have 2 files, and Here are the 2 codes: And Now I want to make a Splash screen appear before the main program is launched. How do I modify so that my code can show the splash screen for its entire duration before fading away and opening the main program? Answer I made a

Why do we need to check null pointer in C++, but not in Java?

Supposed that, I have a class named of RequestType. In Java, code tends not to have any check for a new object being a null reference: But C++ code tends to check the allocation: Why do we need to check whether requestType is nullptr in C++, but can just use it without such a check in Java? Answer Your premise

Send text to div in Selenium + Java

I want to send a text to a div element in web.whatsapp. I tried several ways ie using XPath, cssSelector, class name etc. but none is working for me. This textbox comes when we attach an image in web.whatsapp. Answer Please step into the div and use the div with the class “selectable-text”. As this is a contenteditable div you

Android MVP – Calls the server

I started to learn MVP but I have a few questions related the communication between the Model and the Presenter, for example a login feature Activity will get all the fields, send to the presenter, the presenter will validate and if it’s everything as expected the presenter will call the model to send to the server, but this call could

JPA and 1000 ID use in Oracle IN Operator

I use NamedNativeQuery for delete rows, and it’s somthing like this: But How i can use more that 1000 userIds with IN Operator at Oracle where clues? P.S: I’m looking for a solution to handle it in one commit; Answer Working around the IN limit is inefficient and JPA is not always the right tool for the job. Consider the

How does pathVar Attribute of @MatrixVariable annotation works in Spring?

I was reading regarding the @Matrixvariable annotation in Spring doc Spring Doc I have Understood this simple syntax // GET /pets/42;q=11;r=22 but having problem in understanding the below snippet What is this syntax @MatrixVariable(pathVar=”petId””) I haven’t understood the pathVar attribute of Matrixvariable annotation? This line is ok for me // matrixVars: [“q” : [11,22], “r” : 12, “s” : 23]
