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Get all possible matches in a regex match (In Java)?

I am using a regex to match few possible values in a string that coming with my objects, there I need to get all possible values that are matching from my string as below, If my string value is “This is the code ABC : xyz use for something”. Here is my code that I am using to extract matchers,

Why doesn’t traditional Java BIO api need direct buffer?

Since JDK 1.4, Direct Buffer was introduced along with Java NIO. One reason of it is Java GC may move the memory. Therefore the buffer data must be put off heap. I’m wondering why traditional Java blocking IO api (BIO) doesn’t need a direct buffer? Does BIO use something like direct buffer internally, or are there some other mechanisms to

Firestore – RecycleView – Image holder

I don’t know how to write a holder for an image. I already have 2 texts set, but I don’t know what the holder for the image should look like. Can you help me tell what the writeup for the image should look like in order for it to appear correctly? My code: Answer You can use a library like

Custom Repository Implementation is not being recognized

I am currently working on a project where I have created the following custom Repository: The print statement “I got called with: ” never gets called. So for whatever reason Spring Boot is not running the method through my custom implementation. Any suggestions? Any help is much appreciated Edit: Here is the code that injects and uses the Repository in

How to fix Thymeleaf th:field unexpected error

I am new to Spring Boot and Thymeleaf. I tried to follow some example but got error as below with no any ideas… My Spring Boot version is 2.7.1 and Java 17 entity: controller: view: The th:field will get 500 internal error when I open this web page…. I’ve google and take a look in Thymeleaf document, but seems the

Exclude fields from Java object using Spring

I have two endpoint who use the same model class (Cars). For the searchBigList endpoint I would like to retrieve all car fields and for searchCarSmallList endpoint I would like to retrieve just 3 fields. I tried to do it with @JsonView annotation but it was not working for me. Anyone have better idea how to do it? Answer I

Using Enums with Hex Codes / Colors

I’m trying to use an enum to represent different colors from within the code. The idea is that I receive a hex code, ie #FF0000 of type String, and I want to associate that with a color value from an enum. Something like: I accept the hex code “#FF0000” I look at my ColorList enum, and see that #FF0000 is

Get values by key from JSON Multi-dimensional Array

JSON: Code: Output: I’m only retrieving the first value How do I retrieve all name values from a nested JSON Array? Thanks in advance! Answer With your current implementation, you are getting JsonNode object and you are reading it’s name property, but you are not reading that property for it’s chlildren (inner objects). You have to query all nested objects
