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package does not exist

I am moving some test code from an older jHipster project to a new one. The old project uses the library, specifically .

I put the below in my new project’s pom.xml:


However, it seems to be pulling in org.springframework.boot:spring-boot:2.2.5.RELEASE. This release does not contain zuul in it however, as this code fails import

Does anyone know a fix or workaround?

Old library.

My new project is using org.springframework.boot:spring-boot:2.2.5.RELEASE

UPDATE: Sorry I updated my question – my pom file already has this code. But it is very weird to me that even though I put to 1.3.0, I can see in my maven dependencies that it’s pulling in 2.2.5. Also when I right click my project, I see maven – reimport and maven – generate sources etc.. I don’t see a update project. And clicking both of those doesn’t seem to downgrade it to 1.3.0



If you update your pom.xml file your problem would solve. In your pom.xml file you’ll see dependencies tag you need to add the library you want and then right click your project and say maven -> update project

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