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MultipartFile and nested object in a json to test post request in POSTMAN?

Wanted to test a post request in POSTMAN.

public enum TimeUnit {


    private String value;

    public static TimeUnit get(String text) {
                     .filter(a -> Objects.equals(a.getValue(), text))
public final class SchoolTimeTable {

  private Double value;
  private TimeUnit unit;
  public SchoolTimeTable (double value, TimeUnit unit) {
      this.value = value;
public class SchoolDto {
    private String name;
    private String address;
    private MultipartFile profileImage;
    private MultipartFile[] galleryImages;
    private SchoolTimeTable openCloseTime;

Spring MVC Controller

@PostMapping(value = "/schoolInfo", produces = { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE }) 
public ResponseEntity<Object> saveSchoolInfo( @Parameter(required = true, schema = @Schema(implementation = SchoolDto.class)) SchoolDto schoolDto) throws IOException, InterruptedException {  

I want to send SchoolDto (POSTMAN: body->raw->json) in post request to get desired result. But I am not able to create the json which supports SchoolTimeTable (Object) and MultipartFile types. I don’t even know whether it is possible with JSON or not. Note: Same could be achieved using body->form-data with key/value.

Please help.



I think you should not upload files within a application/json request, to do so you should use a multipart/form-data request. Your request may have three parts profileImage, galleryImages and schoolInfo.

Remove profileImage and galleryImages from SchoolDto class

Modify your method signature to support the multipart request

@PostMapping(value = "/schoolInfo", consumes = MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE) 
public ResponseEntity<Object> saveSchoolInfo(@RequestPart(value = "profileImage") MultipartFile profileImage, @RequestPart(value = "galleryImages") MultipartFile[] galleryImages, @RequestPart(value = "schoolInfo") SchoolDto schoolInfo) throws IOException, InterruptedException {  

In addtion you can implement a @SpringBootTest unit test using RestDocumentationExtension to check whether your code works and to produce a curl request sample that will help you to understand how to make a request to your endpoint

See sb-mvc-multipart-demo

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