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Mockito asks to add @PrepareForTest for the class even after adding @PrepareForTest

I have the following simple code. I have a class (TestClass) and I want to test “someMethod”. There is an external static method which is called by my “someMethod”. I want to Powermock that static method to return me some dummy object. I have the @PrepareForTest(ExternalClass.class) in the begining, but when I execute it gives the error:

The class ExternalClass not prepared for test. To prepare this class, add class to the '@PrepareForTest' annotation. In case if you don’t use this annotation, add the annotation on class or method level.

Please help me to point out what is wrong with the way I have used @PrepareForTest




Make sure you add @RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class) to the top of your class as well.

::edit:: two years later…

Don’t ever use PowerMockito, you shouldn’t need to.

If you do need to, you have most likely broken the SOLID principles and your design is wrong.

Fix your design instead.

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