I have a Grid with a multi-select option. In a normal way when I click in the checkbox the row is selected with the default selected color. But I need to have the same or other selected color when I click in the grid´s row.
I have created a CSS:
:host(#grdPeriodicos) td.selected{ background-color: #BDBDBD; color: #242140; font-weight: bold; }
Imported it in my class view:
@CssImport(value = "./styles/grid-styles.css", themeFor = "vaadin-grid") public class PeriodicoListaView extends VerticalLayout implements Serializable { ... grdPeriodicos.setId("grdPeriodicos"); grdPeriodicos.addColumn(periodico -> periodico.getId_Nota()).setHeader("Nota"); grdPeriodicos.addColumn(periodico -> periodico.getId_NotaItem()).setHeader("Nota item"); grdPeriodicos.setSelectionMode(SelectionMode.MULTI); grdPeriodicos.setClassNameGenerator( p -> { return ((periodicoDTO != null) && (periodicoDTO.getId_NotaItem().equals(p.getId_NotaItem()))) ? "selected" : null; }); grdPeriodicos.addItemClickListener(e -> { if(e.getItem() != null) { carregaEPreencheDetalhesPeriodico(e.getItem()); } });
The code above works when the grid is loaded, but when the row is clicked nothing happens. What can I put in the addItemClickListener to fire again setClassNameGenerator?
Or what can I do to have the line selected when the row is clicked?
In multi-selection mode, the item is selected when clicking the checkbox, but not when clicking anywhere in the row. If you want to select the item in response to a row click, you can do:
grdPeriodicos.addItemClickListener(e -> { grid.asMultiSelect().select(e.getItem()); });
Alternatively, if you want to update the row styles without selecting the item, you need to call refreshItem
(which will cause the ClassNameGenerator to be evaluated again for that row)
grdPeriodicos.addItemClickListener(e -> { if(e.getItem() != null) { carregaEPreencheDetalhesPeriodico(e.getItem()); grid.getDataProvider().refreshItem(e.getItem()); } });
There is a live demo using similar approach in Vaadin’s Cookbook.