I am running my consumer code in loop due to memory constraints, committing my data and then loading into tables
Following is the code which will run in loop
// here is the main part of the component, // a piece of code executed in the row // loop KafkaConsumer<String, String> consumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(props); System.out.println("Consumer created"); consumer.subscribe(Arrays.asList(topic)); System.out.println("Subscribed to topic " + topic); try { while (pollFlag) { ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(context.consumer_polltime); if (records.isEmpty()) { globalMap.put("emptyRecordsFlag",false); //Passing the flag value to previous component to end loop break; } for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record : records) { listPayload.add(record.value()); // Adding the messages to list i++; if(i>=msgbtch) { pollFlag = false; // Assigning flag value to end the poll at 5000 messages break; } } } globalMap.put("ConsumerObj",consumer); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error Consuming Msg: " + e); // TODO: handle exception //consumer.close(); } row3.payload= String.valueOf(listPayload); // Passing the message data to next component System.out.println("Committing"); consumer.commitSync(); System.out.println("Closing"); consumer.close();
But due to some reason I seem to be missing few messages. I believe this has to do something with consumer rebalancing/Committing.
How can I check if my consumer is ready to consume the next batch of messages from the start without missing any messages?
Update : I was able to figure out the issue myself. The messages are already downloaded in the records and while looping as I have put the following condition
if(i>=msgbtch) { pollFlag = false; // Assigning flag value to end the poll at 5000 messages break; }
Even before placing all the messages in list the loop is breaking and all the messages from records is not being inserted in the list. I have removed the break condition and it’s working fine