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JOOQ add prefix to pojo class name

I am generating the pojo classes with jooq codegen, I am trying to create them with a prefix, but I cannot understand how to do it. I am using this configuration to generate them

Configuration configuration = new Configuration()
        new Jdbc()
        new Generator()
                new Generate()
                new Database()
                new Target()


From what I understand I have to create a class that extends “DefaultGeneratorStrategy” with the override on the “getJavaClassName” method



From the way you phrased this last part:

From what I understand I have to create a class that extends “DefaultGeneratorStrategy” with the override on the “getJavaClassName” method

I take that you’ve already found how to do this, i.e. using a generator strategy, and would like to reach out for someone else to implement it for you, specifically?

Instead, let me offer a simpler approach than the above programmatic strategy, using a configurative one, if this is really only about a class name prefix. Use the matcher strategies:

new Configuration()
  .withGenerator(new Generator()
    .withStrategy(new Strategy()
      .withMatchers(new Matchers()
          new MatchersTableType()
            .withPojoClass(new MatcherRule()
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