I need to read a file named “chromedriver.exe” and replace all the occurrences of a string that starts with “cdc_” and is 26 characters long. So, my regex is “cdc_.{22}”. That matches a string that starts with “cdc_” and after that has 22 characters. (example of the string -> cdc_kwjeorialeksjeiwRTkwjr)
My replacement will be this string of 26 characters “plp_roepstdlwoeproslPOweos”.
I have this code in python (not mine) that does what I described above, but I need to convert it in Java. So the question is: how do I do this in Java? Please help.
import io import re import string replacement = "plp_roepstdlwoeproslPOweos".encode() with io.open("chromedriver.exe", "r+b") as fh: for line in iter(lambda: fh.readline(), b""): if b"cdc_" in line: fh.seek(-len(line), 1) newline = re.sub(b"cdc_.{22}", replacement, line) fh.write(newline)
This is a quick and dirty approach. Read the file into a byte array, search for the text, replace if found, then write back to the file.
private void replace(String filename) throws Exception { File file=new File(filename); int length=(int)file.length(); byte[] data; try(FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file); ByteArrayOutputStream bs=new ByteArrayOutputStream(length)) { byte[] buffer=new byte[128_000]; int len=0; while((len=in.read(buffer))>0) bs.write(buffer,0,len); in.close(); bs.close(); data=bs.toByteArray(); } searchAndReplace(data); try(FileOutputStream out=new FileOutputStream(file); ByteArrayInputStream bs=new ByteArrayInputStream(data)) { byte[] buffer=new byte[128_000]; int len=0; while((len=bs.read(buffer))>0) out.write(buffer,0,len); bs.close(); out.flush(); out.close(); } } private void searchAndReplace(byte[] data) { byte[] replacements="plp_roepstdlwoeproslPOweos".getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII); byte[] first="cdc_".getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII); Pattern test=Pattern.compile("cdc_.{22}"); for(int i=0;i<data.length-replacements.length;i++) { if(data[i]==first[0] && data[i+1]==first[1] && data[i+2]==first[2] && data[i+3]==first[3]) // check for consecutive bytes { String text=new String(data, i, replacements.length, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII); if(test.matcher(text).matches()) // found it { System.arraycopy(replacements, 0, data, i, replacements.length); i+=replacements.length; } } } }