I have some String inputs that I am looping over that I am trying to convert to java 8 stream/lambdas but was having some issues. My boilerplate code looks like this:
public static int count(List<String> list) { String regex = "someRegexPatternHere" Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex); int sum = 0; for (String val: list) { Matcher m = p.matcher(val); if (m.find()) { // summing logic here } } return sum; }
I was trying to do something like
list.stream() .filter(i -> p.matcher(i).find()) .map(..............) ...
… but couldn’t get the summ’ing logic down. could anyone point me in the right direction?
You need to apply first the matcher
then filter on the find
return inputs.stream() .map(p::matcher) .filter(Matcher::find) .map(m -> m.group(0)) .mapToInt(Integer::parseInt) .sum();
It could more clear for you to see it using lambda function but that’s the same
return inputs.stream().map(input -> p.matcher(input)) .filter(matcher -> matcher.find()) .map(m -> m.group(0)) .mapToInt(s -> Integer.parseInt(s)).sum();