well my english is not so good, but i will try to explain me, I have a question about how to make an INSERT query when selecting an option from my dropdown, I explain myself, I have a section to insert a user on my website, and an option to select a profile
It should be noted that my dropdown options are data from my PROFILE table
This is my code where I show the values of my dropdown from my PROFILE table
<select class="form-control" style="width: 250px">
<option value="-1">Selecciona un perfil</option>
String Query = "SELECT * FROM perfil";
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/registrousuario","root", "");
Statement stm = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stm.executeQuery(Query);
<option value="<%=rs.getString("idPerfil")%>"><%=rs.getString("nombrePerfil")%></option>
catch(Exception ex)
out.println("Error: "+ex.getMessage());
what I try to do in my table USER
is to insert the option either EMPLOYEE or PROFILE dropdown
my INSERT query is as follows
@RequestMapping(value = "agregar.htm", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ModelAndView Agregar(Persona p)
String sql = "INSERT INTO usuario(claveUsuario, nombre, apellido, email, contrasena, idPerfil) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
this.jdbcTemplate.update(sql,p.getClave(), p.getNom(), p.getApe(), p.getCorreo(), p.getPass(), p.getIdPerfil());
return new ModelAndView("redirect:/index.htm");
I insert the other data correctly, only I need to be able to insert the values of my DROPDOWN in my USER table
I don’t know if I would miss doing a JOIN to my PROFILE table in my INSERT query, in order to register the profile data to my USER table
I hope I have explained well, any help would be very important
You have missed the id
and name
of the select
element. It should be as follows:
<select id="idPerfil" name="idPerfil" class="form-control" style="width: 250px">