public static void main(String[] args) { // create scanner to read user input // create char[] array to store board values // set positions of board from 1 to 9 // 2 players: 'X' and 'O', start with 'X' Scanner input = new Scanner(; char board[] = {'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'}; char player = 'X'; char player2 = 'O'; // display the playing board in 3x3 layout display(board); // play game until gameOver is true boolean gameOver = false; while (!gameOver) { // get current player choice, and update board value receiveUserChoice(player, input, board); // display the updated board display(board); // switch player 'X' -> 'O' or 'O' -> 'X' player = (player == 'X') ? 'O' : 'X'; // check for winner, draw or game is not over yet gameOver = isGameOver(board); // ** important ** remove the following statement // I added it to avoid infinite loop // gameOver value should return from isGameOver() method as above gameOver = true; // TODO: remove this } } // display board in 3x3 layout // note that array indices from 0 to 8 = positions from 1 to 9 public static void display(char[] board) { System.out.println(""); System.out.println(board[0] + " | " + board[1] + " | " + board[2]); System.out.println(board[3] + " | " + board[4] + " | " + board[5]); System.out.println(board[6] + " | " + board[7] + " | " + board[8]); System.out.println(""); } // get current player choice, and update board value public static void receiveUserChoice(char player, Scanner input, char[] board) { // Step 1: get user input, a position from 1 to 9 // Step 2: make sure it is a valid position, and the position is not taken yet // 2.1: if it is valid input, mark the board position with the current player // 2.2: if it is not valid, print message repeat Step 1. until a valid input is obtained boolean loop = true; while(loop) { System.out.print("Which position do you want?"); int n = input.nextInt(); if(n<10&&n>0&&Character.isDigit(board[n-1])) { board[n-1]=player; loop=false; //After update, loop is false. //Whenever the board value is updated, everytime we will check if the game is over or if it's still continued. } else { System.out.println("Invalid value!Repeat Step1!"); } } // TODO: Add statements } // check for winner, draw or game is not over yet public static boolean isGameOver(char[] board) { // Step 1: if there is a winner, print winner message, return true // Step 2: if it is a draw, print draw message, return true // Step 3: else the game is not over yet, return false if(board[0]==board[1]&&board[1]==board[2])//It's == cuz we are comparing these value. { System.out.println(board[0]+" wins."); //Board 0 can be O or X. return true; } else if(board[3]==board[4]&&board[4]==board[5]) { System.out.println(board[3]+" wins."); return true; } else if(board[6]==board[7]&&board[7]==board[8]) { System.out.println(board[6]+" wins."); return true; } else if(board[0]==board[3]&&board[3]==board[6]) { System.out.println(board[0]+" wins."); return true; } else if(board[1]==board[4]&&board[4]==board[7]) { System.out.println(board[1]+" wins."); return true; } else if(board[2]==board[5]&&board[5]==board[8]) { System.out.println(board[2]+" wins."); return true; } else if(board[0]==board[4]&&board[4]==board[8]) { System.out.println(board[0]+" wins."); return true; } else if(board[2]==board[4]&&board[4]==board[6]) { System.out.println(board[2]+" wins."); return true; } else //It has step 2 and step 3. { int cnt=0; for(int i=0;i<board.length;i++) { if(board[i]=='O'||board[i]=='X') { cnt+=1; } } if(cnt==9) { System.out.println("Draw!"); return true; } } }
This is the code about Tic Tac Toe based on what my professor said. He said I can put both step 2 and step 3 in else statement, but I don’t know how to do it. I gave it a try, but IntelliJ(the program I’m using) said it doesn’t have a return statement. I don’t why it has errors. Please help me. Thanks.
The problem is exactly as your IDE told you, you have a function and the IDE can’t verify you have a return statement from every possible path. In your case change the last if(the cnt<9) to be the else of the previous if(the cnt==9) as it must be one of them.