I am making a UML class diagram in IntelliJ with the “Sketch it!” plugin, but it says there is a syntax error in line 5, where it says namespace the first time. I don’t get why, as it says the same on many times below as well without an error. I can’t find a tutorial to this program online, so I’m having trouble fixing it.
@startuml title __STREAMINGSERVICE's Class Diagram__n namespace { \ <--- this is where I get the syntax error!! class ChangeLoginGUI { } } namespace { class Episode { } } namespace { class EpisodeGUI { } } namespace { class FileReader { } } namespace { class IncorrectLoginException { } } namespace { class InfoGUI { } } namespace { class InfoSGUI { } } namespace { abstract class InfoSuper { } } namespace { class LoginGUI { } } namespace { class Main { } } namespace { class MainGUI { } } namespace { abstract class Media { } } namespace { class MediaLibrary { } } namespace { class MediaPlayer { } } namespace { class Movie { } } namespace { class MovieGenerator { } } namespace { class MovieGeneratorTest { } } namespace { class NotificationGUI { } } namespace { abstract class ObjectGenerator { } } namespace { interface Playable { } } namespace { class SearchEngine { } } namespace { class SearchEngineTest { } } namespace { class Series { } } namespace { class SeriesGenerator { } } namespace { class SeriesGeneratorTest { } } namespace { class User { } } namespace { class UserList { } } ChangeLoginGUI -up-|> javax.swing.JFrame ChangeLoginGUI o-- User : user ChangeLoginGUI o-- UserList : userList Episode .up.|> Playable EpisodeGUI -up-|> javax.swing.JFrame EpisodeGUI o-- MediaPlayer : play EpisodeGUI o-- Series : media EpisodeGUI o-- MediaLibrary : ml EpisodeGUI o-- User : user InfoGUI -up-|> InfoSuper InfoSGUI -up-|> InfoSuper InfoSuper -up-|> javax.swing.JFrame InfoSuper o-- Media : media InfoSuper o-- MediaPlayer : play InfoSuper o-- User : user LoginGUI -up-|> javax.swing.JFrame LoginGUI o-- MainGUI : launchProgram LoginGUI o-- UserList : userList MainGUI -up-|> javax.swing.JFrame MainGUI o-- MediaLibrary : mediaLibrary MainGUI o-- SearchEngine : searchEngine MainGUI o-- User : user MediaLibrary o-- SeriesGenerator : m1 MediaLibrary o-- MovieGenerator : m2 MediaPlayer -up-|> javax.swing.JFrame Movie .up.|> Playable Movie -up-|> Media MovieGenerator -up-|> ObjectGenerator MovieGeneratorTest o-- FileReader : fr MovieGeneratorTest o-- MovieGenerator : mg MovieGeneratorTest o-- MovieGeneratorTest : mgt ObjectGenerator o-- FileReader : fr SearchEngine o-- MediaLibrary : mediaLibrary SearchEngineTest o-- SearchEngine : searchEngine Series -up-|> Media SeriesGenerator -up-|> ObjectGenerator SeriesGeneratorTest o-- FileReader : fr SeriesGeneratorTest o-- SeriesGenerator : sg right footer PlantUML diagram generated by SketchIt! (https://bitbucket.org/pmesmeur/sketch.it) For more information about this tool, please contact philippe.mesmeur@gmail.com endfooter @enduml
The definition is incompatible with PlantUML syntax, with all these namespace {..}
without naming the namespace and these {}
after introducing each class
Placing the two first classes in a dedicated namespace but not the next :
@startuml title __STREAMINGSERVICE's Class Diagram__n namespace A { class ChangeLoginGUI } namespace B { class Episode } class EpisodeGUI class FileReader class IncorrectLoginException class InfoGUI class InfoSGUI abstract class InfoSuper class LoginGUI class Main class MainGUI abstract class Media class MediaLibrary class MediaPlayer class Movie class MovieGenerator class MovieGeneratorTest class NotificationGUI abstract class ObjectGenerator interface Playable class SearchEngine class SearchEngineTest class Series class SeriesGenerator class SeriesGeneratorTest class User class UserList ChangeLoginGUI -up-|> javax.swing.JFrame ChangeLoginGUI o-- User : user ChangeLoginGUI o-- UserList : userList Episode .up.|> Playable EpisodeGUI -up-|> javax.swing.JFrame EpisodeGUI o-- MediaPlayer : play EpisodeGUI o-- Series : media EpisodeGUI o-- MediaLibrary : ml EpisodeGUI o-- User : user InfoGUI -up-|> InfoSuper InfoSGUI -up-|> InfoSuper InfoSuper -up-|> javax.swing.JFrame InfoSuper o-- Media : media InfoSuper o-- MediaPlayer : play InfoSuper o-- User : user LoginGUI -up-|> javax.swing.JFrame LoginGUI o-- MainGUI : launchProgram LoginGUI o-- UserList : userList MainGUI -up-|> javax.swing.JFrame MainGUI o-- MediaLibrary : mediaLibrary MainGUI o-- SearchEngine : searchEngine MainGUI o-- User : user MediaLibrary o-- SeriesGenerator : m1 MediaLibrary o-- MovieGenerator : m2 MediaPlayer -up-|> javax.swing.JFrame Movie .up.|> Playable Movie -up-|> Media MovieGenerator -up-|> ObjectGenerator MovieGeneratorTest o-- FileReader : fr MovieGeneratorTest o-- MovieGenerator : mg MovieGeneratorTest o-- MovieGeneratorTest : mgt ObjectGenerator o-- FileReader : fr SearchEngine o-- MediaLibrary : mediaLibrary SearchEngineTest o-- SearchEngine : searchEngine Series -up-|> Media SeriesGenerator -up-|> ObjectGenerator SeriesGeneratorTest o-- FileReader : fr SeriesGeneratorTest o-- SeriesGenerator : sg right footer PlantUML diagram generated by SketchIt! (https://bitbucket.org/pmesmeur/sketch.it) For more information about this tool, please contact philippe.mesmeur@gmail.com endfooter @enduml
produces :
Note your diagram is not easy to read because containing a lot of classes, and some of them are orphan.
The footer indicates this is generated by SketchIt, I do not know it, perhaps that tool needs to have all classes defined in a namespace rather than out of a namespace ?