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How To Use Response value In Another Method

I am working on restassured and here is my 2 methods. I want to use the albumId returned from the AlbumList method in the other method


I know these are void and doesnt return anything but idk how to use it. Bye the these methods are in the same class. Thanks in advance





The easiest way is to change the return type of the AlbumList() method from void to String:

public String AlbumList() {

And in AlbumDetails() method we should change:

.when().get("/album/" + AlbumList())

Another option is to create instance variable albumId, not locally in AlbumList() method, and use it:


P.S. Here are some more tips:

  1. due to clean code more correct name describes what these methods do, e.g. getAlbumList() or storeAlbumList() and smth similar for another method;
  2. for extracting jsonPath from response we can use: JsonPath js = given()....extract().jsonPath();
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