I need to avoid some bug in db2 dialect in hibernate. I use spring data + gradle (several modules) + kotlin I created my custom dialect
DB2zOSDialect : DB2Dialect()
And try to add it to application.properties
spring: jpa: properties: hibernate: dialect: com.my.config.DB2zOSDialect
But spring data continuous using DB2Dialect
I tried the same code but using java + maven + the same spring data and it’s works.
So, i have no ideas why my custom dialect isn’t being use by spring data.
Are there ways how to add dialect to spring data?
So, i solved problem by my own, but i still don’t know why behavior is different.
I set
spring.jpa.database = default
and added
spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.dialect_resolvers = com.my.config.CustomDialectResolver
And wrote simple resolver
class CustomDialectResolver : DialectResolver { override fun resolveDialect(info: DialectResolutionInfo?): Dialect { return DB2zOSDialect() } }