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How to return a custom response for validation errors using Hibernate Validator and Quarkus

I implemented a REST endpoint in my Quarkus application. For validation purpose I’m using the hibernate-validator. So I added the @Valid annotation to the incoming parameter and added some constraints to that class. Everythings works as expected.

When sending a request with invalid data I see a response like this:

   "exception": null,
   "propertyViolations": [],
   "classViolations": [],
   "parameterViolations": [   {
      "constraintType": "PARAMETER",
      "path": "aaa.bbb.Id",
      "message": "Id does not match the expected format.",
      "value": "abc"
   "returnValueViolations": []

But I would like to have a more compact response and maybe add some additional information:

   "additional-info": "some text",
   "path": "aaa.bbb.Id",
   "message": "Id does not match the expected format.",

I found the same question for hibernate-validator and spring-boot: How to return a custom response pojo when request body fails validations that are defined using Bean Validation/Hibernate Validator? But I do not know how to adapt the solutions to Quarkus.

Thanks a lot.



You’ll need to provide an implementation of ExceptionMapper<ValidationException>.

Something like:

public class ResteasyReactiveViolationExceptionMapper implements ExceptionMapper<ValidationException> {

    public Response toResponse(ValidationException exception) {
         // convert the exception into a response
         // see for inspiration

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