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How to programmatically declare a route in Quarkus?

As seen in the documentation, the standard way of declaring a route in Quarkus is with the @Path() annotation, like so :

public class Endpoint {

    public String hello() {
        return "Hello, World!";

This will create the route GET /MyPath. However, @Path being an annotation, I have to give it constant expression.

I would like to be able to declare a route with a non constant expression, something like @Path(MyClass.class.getSimpleName())

I tried to implement something like this:

public class Endpoint {

    public void initialize(@Observes StartupEvent ev) {
        declareRoute(MyClass.class.getSimpleName(), HttpMethod.GET, this::hello);

    public String hello() {
        return "Hello, World!";

    public void declareRoute(String path, HttpMethod method, Consumer handler) {
        // TODO implement

This would create the route GET /MyClass But I have no idea how to implement declareRoute(). I tried to inject the Vertx Router since Quarkus seems to use it, but I did not find a way to add a route. Is this doable, and if so, how ?



You essentially need to do something like:

public class BeanRegisteringRoute {

    void init(@Observes Router router) {
        router.route("/my-path").handler(rc -> rc.response().end("Hello, World!"));

See this for more information

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