I’m the having functionality to fetch the following details from KeyCloak.
- User details
- Realm details
- Client details
I want to write the test cases for those functionalities using Mockito.
below is code logic for fetching those details.
@Autowired private Keycloak keycloak; @Value("${keycloak.realm}") private String realm; public Optional<UserModel> getUsers(String userId) { UserResource userResource = keycloak.realm(realm).users().get(userId); if (userResource == null) return Optional.empty(); UserRepresentation userRepresentation = userResource.toRepresentation(); UserModel userModel = new UserModel(userRepresentation.getId(), userRepresentation.getFirstName(), userRepresentation.getLastName(), userRepresentation.getUsername(), userRepresentation.getEmail(), userRepresentation.isEnabled(), new Date(userRepresentation.getCreatedTimestamp()), new Date(userRepresentation.getCreatedTimestamp()), userRepresentation.getGroups(), userRepresentation.getRealmRoles()); return Optional.of(userModel); } public Optional<RealmModel> getRealm(String realmId) { RealmResource realmResource = keycloak.realms().realm(realmId); if(realmResource == null) return Optional.empty(); RealmRepresentation realmRepresentation = realmResource.toRepresentation(); RealmModel realmModel = new RealmModel(realmRepresentation.getId(), realmRepresentation.getDisplayName()); return Optional.of(realmModel); } public Optional<ClientModel> getClient(String clientId) { ClientResource clientResource = keycloak.realm(realm).clients().get(clientId); if(clientResource == null) return Optional.empty(); ClientRepresentation clientRepresentation = clientResource.toRepresentation(); ClientModel clientModel = new ClientModel(clientRepresentation.getClientId(), clientRepresentation.getName()) ; return Optional.of(clientModel); }
I want to mock the KeyCloak methods in my test cases
for example
1. UserResource userResource = keycloak.realm(realm).users().get(userId); 2. UserRepresentation userRepresentation = userResource.toRepresentation();
I want to mock somethig like below
I don’t know is there any option available, Please help me to resolve the issue. Thanks
First you will need to have a constructor to receive autowired objects and values instead of adding these annotations on the fields (which is also a best practice):
// constructor public YourBean(@Autowired Keycloak keycloak, @Value("${keycloak.realm}") String realm) { this.keycloak = keycloak; this.realm = realm; }
After that, you will need to pass a mocked Keycloak object on the bean inside the test function:
Keycloak keycloak = Mockito.mock(Keycloak.class); String realm = "mockedRealm"; YourBean bean = new YourBean(keycloak, realm);
So you can execute the Mockito.when
functions. But pay attention that you will need to mock each function call in keycloak.realms().realm(realmId)
. Using Mockito.when
chaining functions won’t work.