I have this code and I’m trying to have one action listener be used, and it be used multiple times. I have tested this code over and over again, and I have figured out that it is only running actionPerformed one time (When you click the “Login” button)
import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class RyanOSGUI extends Frame implements ActionListener { //Login TextField password; Label passwordLabel; Button loginButton; //Apps Button console; Button calendar; //Calendar TextArea calendarView = new TextArea(); Label addEvent = new Label("Add event to calendar: "); Label eventNameLabel = new Label("Event Name: "); TextField eventName = new TextField(); Label eventDateLabel = new Label("Event Date: "); TextField eventDate = new TextField(); Label eventTimeLabel = new Label("Event Time: "); TextField eventTime = new TextField(); Button submitEvent = new Button("Submit event"); RyanOSGUI(){ password = new TextField(); password.setBounds(175,90,100,20); passwordLabel = new Label("Enter Password:"); passwordLabel.setBounds(175, 50, 100, 30); loginButton = new Button("Login"); loginButton.setBounds(175, 140, 100, 30); loginButton.addActionListener(this); calendar = new Button("Calendar"); calendar.setBounds(50,50,83,30); console = new Button("Console"); console.setBounds(183,50,83,30); add(password); add(passwordLabel); add(loginButton); add(console); add(calendar); console.setVisible(false); calendar.setVisible(false); setResizable(false); setSize(450,500); setLayout(null); setVisible(true); setTitle("RyanOS"); setIconImage(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("D:\Users\rperg\Pictures\Camera Roll\RyanOS.png")); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent a){ //actionPerformed is only running once System.out.println("Ran action event"); System.out.println(calendar); if(a.getSource() == loginButton){ if(password.getText().equals("Testing123")){ passwordLabel.setText("Welcome, Ryan!"); setTitle("Ryan OS Home Screen"); password.setVisible(false); passwordLabel.setVisible(false); loginButton.setVisible(false); console.setVisible(true); calendar.setVisible(true); } else{ passwordLabel.setText("Wrong Password, Terminating program..."); System.exit(69); } } if(a.getSource() == calendar){ System.out.println("Ran Calendar App"); console.setVisible(false); calendar.setVisible(false); runCalendar(); } } public void runCalendar(){ //Positioning calendarView.setBounds(10,10,430,300); addEvent.setBounds(10,310,100,30); eventNameLabel.setBounds(10,350,100,30); eventName.setBounds(110,350,100,20); eventDateLabel.setBounds(10, 380, 100, 30); eventDate.setBounds(110,380,100,20); eventTimeLabel.setBounds(10,410,100,30); eventTime.setBounds(110,410,100,20); submitEvent.setBounds(230, 375,100,30); //Adding to scene add(calendarView); add(addEvent); add(eventNameLabel); add(eventName); add(eventDateLabel); add(eventDate); add(eventTimeLabel); add(eventTime); add(submitEvent); } public static void main(String[] args){ RyanOSGUI ros = new RyanOSGUI(); } } class CalendarApp implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent a){ } }
Is there a way that I can fix this so that I can repeatedly use the actionPerformed method? I have tried doing different ways of making Action Listeners but I can’t seem to get them right (they return errors.)
it is only running actionPerformed one time (When you click the “Login” button)
You only ever add it to the “loginButton”.
You need to add it to your other buttons as well.
However, it is NOT a good design to share an ActionListener. A listener should only perform an single function.
I have tried doing different ways of making Action Listeners
Yes, creating a unique ActionListener for each button is the better approach.
for example:
loginbutton.addActionListener( (e) -> { System.out.println("login"); });