Is there any way to implement an interface in dart/flutter without having to use a class?
Currently, how I implement it is with the code below
class _UserSignupInterface extends _SignupSelectUsernamePageState implements UserSignupInterface { @override void onSuccess() { _navigateToUserPage(); } @override void onError() { setState(() { _isSignupClickable = true; }); } } _attemptSignup() { UserSingleton userSingletonInstance = UserSingleton().getInstance(); UserSignupInterface _userSignupInterface = _UserSignupInterface(); UserSingleton().getInstance().user.username = _username; UserLoginController.attemptSignup(_userSignupInterface, userSingletonInstance.user, userSingletonInstance.userDetail, _groupID); }
However, I would like to implement these interface methods without having to use a class, just as I would in java. Something that would look like the code below.
UserController.attemptSignup(context, new UserSignupRequest() { @Override public void onSuccess(User user, UserDetail userDetail, Group group) { btnContinueWithFacebook.setEnabled(true); Intent intent = new Intent(context, ScoopActivity.class); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); progressBar.setVisibility(View.GONE); startActivity(intent); } @Override public void onFail() { Log.d(APP.TAG, "Signup request has failed"); btnContinueWithFacebook.setEnabled(true); progressBar.setVisibility(View.GONE); /** * TODO:: Notify user of signup attempt failure */ } }, user, userDetail, group_id);
There is no such feature in Dart. In order to implement an interface, you have to declare a class.
The alternatives is to define the API to accept individual functions instead of a single object, or to declare a helper class which takes the behavior of the necessary methods as constructor arguments.
class _UserSignupInterface extends _SignupSelectUsernamePageState implements UserSignupInterface { void Function(_UserSingupInterface self) _onSuccess; void Function(_UserSingupInterface self) _onError; _UserSignupInterface(this._onSuccess, this._onError); @override void onSuccess() { _onSuccess(this); } @override void onError() { _onError(this); } }
Then you can call it as:
... _UserSignupInterface((self) { self._navigateToUserPage(); }, (self) { self.setState(() { self._isSignupClickable = true; }); })
It’s not as pretty as Java, admittedly.