I’ve a camel route which makes API request, the external service may though 4xx or 5xx. I have written HttpOperationFailedException
handler to handle all HTTP related exception and I’m retrying all the Http exceptions irrespective of whether its client side or server side exceptions. I would like to handle them in a way, I need to avoid the reties for client side exceptions.
Here is my route and exception code, looks like. Can anyone suggest best way to handle these scenarios ?
onException(HttpOperationFailedException.class) .handled(true) .redeliveryDelay(100) .maximumRedeliveries(2) .log("${exception} Http Communication Exception while making API request") .end(); from("direct:start") .routeId("restApi") .process(exchange -> exchange.getIn().setBody( new RequestBody( "${headers.camelFileName}"))) .marshal() .json(JsonLibrary.Gson) .setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, constant("POST")) .setHeader("Content-Type",constant("application/json")) .to(url) .end();
You could try something along the lines of:
onException(HttpOperationFailedException.class) .choice() .when(simple("${exception.getStatusCode()} == '400'")) //doSomething .endChoice() .when(simple("${exception.getStatusCode()} == '500'")) //doSomething .otherwise() //retries .endChoice() .end() ;