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How to extract JSON from sql query?

My query looks like this:


I want to retry the messages that failed, but the message is a json string and the offset is a regular string. I need to extract the json messages and the offset strings and then iterate through each row. How would I do this? RIght now I am doing something like this:




buildQueryResult() simply appends all the strings together so the mapper can read it altogether. The mapper ignores the offset and doesn’t include it in the json, bceause it isn’t a valid json. How do I keep the offset and message and pass both to the service.retry() method?



You need to convert your string/json to a POJO or another way to convert it to object. I recomend you to use Jackson library and map it to a pojo.

Another way is to use some tools from the database to query directly:


In that way you can handle the values as a string at your code.

Can read more here:

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