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How to extract all text’s link and other properties form html?

Note, if it is single element I can extract but I need to extract all of them together.

Hi I am trying to extract the text and link from a list of items from a page using Selenium and Java. I am able to extract all link text but facing issue to figure out the link text. The html code looks like below:


Using h5 I can extract all the elements but I need to extract all href of those elements



To extract text or link or any other attribute value from several web elements you need to collect all these elements in a list and then to iterate over the list extracting the desired value from each web element object.
As following:


This will give you all the links there


On this specific page the structure is:
There are several blocks defined by class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 border all_cat" elements. Inside each such block several links and titles. Each a is below the class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 border all_cat" element and the title is below it a element. So, extracting the links and titles here can be done as following:

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