Currently I have been using DurationFormatUtils to convert the Millis in a track into HH:mm:ss, but I want to allow the user to seek the track using this format, for example they would type: ‘-seek HH:mm:ss or mm:ss’ and I want to convert that time back into milliseconds… Are there any built in Java methods to do this? Or would I have to create my own method to convert it?
You can do it like this.
First, define a DateTimeFormatter
DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("H:mm:ss");
– one or two digits of 24 hour timemm
– minutesss
– seconds
To handle absence of the hours you can check to see if a colon exists from the 3rd character on. If it does, then the time can be parsed as is, otherwise, prepend 00
hours. I chose to put it in a lambda.
Function<String,String> adjust = time -> time.indexOf(":",3) >= 0 ? time : "00:"+time;
Putting it all together.
String[] times = { "3:49:44", "12:30" }; for (String time : times) { int millis = dtf.parse(adjust.apply(time)) .get(ChronoField.MILLI_OF_DAY); System.out.println(millis); }
13784000 750000
Check out the java.time package for more date/time classes.