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How to convert an interface with MapStruct?

I made some research in the mapStruct documentation but did not find or understood what I could do to achieve this: the conversation of an entity containing an interface to a flat DTO object.

Here the entity with the attribute:

public class Group {

    private IUser user;


Here the DTO:

public GroupDTO {

    private Long idUser;

    private String username;

We try this mapping :

        @Mapping(source = "", target = "idUser"),
        @Mapping(source = "", target = "username")})
GroupDTO toDTO(Group entity);

With a classic mapping, mapStruct generates an error (IUser is abstract; cannot be instantiated).

Any idea ? Thank you.



Not sure its the best way to do it…

But we used @AfterMapping to create manually in default method the object to implement on interface.

We had to delete @InheritInverseConfiguration for reverse operation.

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