I have created several SQS queues in the management console.
All the queues have full access permission (Allow – Everybody – All SQS Actions)
I have created necessary credentials and can connect to AWS.
Now I am trying to connect to created queues:
public static List<String> listQueues(AmazonSQS sqs) { System.out.println("Listing all queues in your account.n"); ListQueuesResult queueList = sqs.listQueues(); List<String> queueUrls = queueList.getQueueUrls(); for (String queueUrl : queueUrls) { System.out.println(" QueueUrl: " + queueUrl); } System.out.println(); return queueUrls; }
But nothing is displayed.
At the same time, if I create queue programatically:
public static String createQueue(String queueName, AmazonSQS sqs) { System.out.println("Creating a new SQS queue called MyQueue.n"); CreateQueueRequest createQueueRequest = new CreateQueueRequest(queueName); return sqs.createQueue(createQueueRequest).getQueueUrl(); }
It is listed and I can send and receive messages from it.
BUT I don’t see created queue in Management Console!
What am I doing wrong?
BTW I can connect to queues created from Management Console by URL
If you are playing wih example from Amazon (like me) – keep in mind that BasicAWSCredentials contain only accessKey and secretKey, and region won’t be read from credentials file.
Region is being set up “manually” for AmazonSQSClient:
public static AmazonSQS createSqsClient() { AWSCredentials credentials = null; try { credentials = new ProfileCredentialsProvider().getCredentials(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AmazonClientException( "Cannot load the credentials from the credential profiles file. " + "Please make sure that your credentials file is at the correct " + "location (~/.aws/credentials), and is in valid format.", e); } AmazonSQS sqs = new AmazonSQSClient(credentials); Region region = Region.getRegion(Regions.US_EAST_2); sqs.setRegion(region); return sqs; }
SQS queues are located in specific regions.
- Confirm which region your code is creating the region in, then
- Ensure you’re looking in that same region in the AWS Management Console.