Can anyone help me on how to automate DatePicker in Android 6.0 using Appium and Java? I was able to automate it only for the current month dates. But I need to set the date for any date I am passing to the method.
I have finally solved this. What I did was from the date picker I have taken the current year and the month. And from that I have calculated the number of taps to go forward or number of taps for go backward to the given date. Here is the code snippet for that.
public class Base { // Pass monthName param as "August" public int getMonthNumber(String monthName) throws ParseException { Date date = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM").parse(monthName); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(date); System.out.println(calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1); return calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; } // Pass date param as "Sun, Jul 1" public String getMonthNameInThreeChars(String date) { return date.substring(5, 8); } } public class CommonLocators extends Base { public void setAndroidDatePicker(String date) throws IOException, ParseException { int thisYear = Integer.valueOf(androidDriver.findElement("android:id/date_picker_header_year")).getAttribute("name")); String today = androidDriver.findElement("android:id/date_picker_header_date")).getAttribute("name"); int thisMonth = getMonthNumber(getMonthNameInThreeChars(today)); // Split the given date into date, month and year String[] splitdate = date.split("\s+"); int givenDay = Integer.valueOf(splitdate[0]); int givenMonth = getMonthNumber(splitdate[1]); int givenYear = Integer.valueOf(splitdate[2]); int forwardTaps = 0; int backwardTaps = 0; int yearFactor = 0; if (givenYear == thisYear) { if (givenMonth >= thisMonth) { forwardTaps = givenMonth - thisMonth; } else { backwardTaps = thisMonth - givenMonth; } } else if (givenYear > thisYear) { yearFactor = (givenYear - thisYear) * 12; if (givenMonth >= thisMonth) { forwardTaps = yearFactor + (givenMonth - thisMonth); } else { forwardTaps = yearFactor - (thisMonth - givenMonth); } } else { yearFactor = (thisYear - givenYear) * 12; if (givenMonth >= thisMonth) { backwardTaps = yearFactor - (givenMonth - thisMonth); } else { backwardTaps = yearFactor + (thisMonth - givenMonth); } } for (int i=1; i<=forwardTaps; i++) { androidDriver.findElement("android:id/next")).click(); } for (int i=1; i<=backwardTaps; i++) { androidDriver.findElement("android:id/prev")).click(); } String xpath = "//android.view.View[@text='day']"; androidDriver.findElement(By.xpath(xpath.replace("day", String.valueOf(givenDay)))).click(); //Tap on OK button of the date picker androidDriver.findElement("android:id/button1")).click(); } } public class CommonStepDefinitions { @Test public void setDate(String date) throws IOException, ParseException { commonLocators.setAndroidDatePicker(date); } }