OK, I am adding a couple of custom claims to the payload when I generate the JWT, and I can pull those out just fine in my front-end (javascript). I then have my javascript send an ajax call to a micro-service and it passes the JWT along with it. I want to get my custom claims out of the JWT in the micro-service. I’m doing the following:
Claims claims = Jwts.parser().setSigningKey(Vars.SECRET_KEY).parseClaimsJws(token).getBody(); User user = claims.get("customuser", User.class);
and it throws an exception.
io.jsonwebtoken.RequiredTypeException: Expected value to be of type: class net.netdatacorp.netdauth.model.User, but was class java.util.LinkedHashMap at io.jsonwebtoken.impl.DefaultClaims.get(DefaultClaims.java:128)
Here is how the data looks in the JWT inspector on the front-end for my custom claim.
{ jti: "83bffbad-7d36-4370-9332-21a84f2a3dce", iat: 1498241526, sub: "test", iss: "www.test.net", customuser: { userId: 1, userCd: "TMM", firstNm: "Testy", lastNm: "McTesty", userNm: "test", emailAddress: "jacob@test.net", active: true, createdDt: 1491355712000, createdByUserId: 0, lastUpdateDt: 1498199278000, lastUpdateByUserId: 0, lastLoginDt: 1484928016000 } }
What am I missing to be able to pull my custom claim out?
OK, so I switched to using Jose4J instead of JJWT and after working to get every thing working I realized I probably could have done something similar with JJWT. So what I ended up doing was to use Gson to perform a JSON encoding of the Object and the attaching the resulting JSON string as a claim. And so when I wanted to get a custom claim back out, I would extract the claim as a string and the use the Gson library to convert it back to a POJO.
GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder(); Gson gson = gsonBuilder.create(); JwtConsumer jwtConsumer = getConsumer(); JwtClaims jwtClaims = jwtConsumer.processToClaims(token); String userStr = jwtClaims.getClaimValue("user", String.class); User user = gson.fromJson(userStr, User.class);