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How can I parse a date including timezone with Joda Time

This snippet of code always parses the date into the current timezone, and not into the timezone in the string being parsed.

final DateTimeFormatter df = DateTimeFormat
        .forPattern("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss 'GMT'Z yyyy");
final DateTime dateTime = df
        .parseDateTime("Mon Aug 24 12:36:46 GMT+1000 2009");
System.out.println("dateTime = " + dateTime);
// outputs dateTime = 2009-08-24T04:36:46.000+02:00

It outputs:

dateTime = 2009-08-24T04:36:46.000+02:00

whereas I expect:

dateTime = 2009-08-24T04:36:46.000+10:00

Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?



OK, further Googling gave me the answer to my own question: use withOffsetParsed(), as so:

final DateTimeFormatter df = DateTimeFormat
        .forPattern("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss 'GMT'Z yyyy");
final DateTime dateTime = df.withOffsetParsed()
        .parseDateTime("Mon Aug 24 12:36:46 GMT+1000 2009");

This works.
