Right now I have a button and when clicked it pops up with an AlertDialog with 3 radiobuttons.
I want to change the text color and the tint color to match what I have on the rest of the app. Besides the call to the method this is all the code I have for the Alert:
public void CreateAlertDialogWithRadioButtonGroup() { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(Settings.this, R.style.myDialogTheme); if(sharedPreferences.getString("units", "").equals("metric")) chosenUnit = 0; else if(sharedPreferences.getString("units", "").equals("imperial")) chosenUnit = 1; else chosenUnit = 2; builder.setTitle("Select the Unit for the Temperature"); builder.setSingleChoiceItems(values, chosenUnit, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int item) { switch(item) { case 0://Celsius unitsEditor.putString("units", "metric"); unitsEditor.commit(); break; case 1://Fahrenheit unitsEditor.putString("units", "imperial"); unitsEditor.commit(); break; case 2://Kelvin unitsEditor.putString("units", ""); unitsEditor.commit(); break; } alertDialog1.dismiss(); } }); alertDialog1 = builder.create(); alertDialog1.show(); }
I have tried to change them in the style but none of it works, I can only seem to change the textcolor of the alert and not the radiobuttons. Any idea? I do not have a layout for the Alert so I can’t do a findById for the radiogroup. I am doing this in Java and not Kotlin.
Add to RadioButton XML the app:buttonTint option as follows:
<RadioButton android:id="@+id/radio_btn_metric" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" app:buttonTint="@color/colorRed" />
Also, go to color.xml and add the color you want to be the RadioButton