in a Spring Batch application on which I am working on I scheduled a job in this way:
@Scheduled(cron = "0 30 01 * * 7") public void runUpdateNotaryListInfoJob() {"SCHEDULED run of updateNotaryListInfoJob STARTED"); Map<String, JobParameter> confMap = new HashMap<>(); confMap.put("time", new JobParameter(System.currentTimeMillis())); JobParameters jobParameters = new JobParameters(confMap); try {, jobParameters); }catch (Exception ex){ LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage()); } }
This works fine and my job is runned every Sunday (day 7) at 01:30 of the night. Ok it is fine but now my client ask me to run it twice in a week (same time but in two different days). Is it possible to change the previous CRON expression so that my job is performed at 01:30 of every Wednesday and every Sunday?
A schedule like cron = "0 30 01 * * 3,7"
triggers every 3rd and 7th day of the week.