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How can I call the mouse right click event in SwingGui?

I have a table. If I right-click I got a JPopUpMenu but before the pop-up I want to select the row where the right-click event is done. Here is what I’ve tried.


In that event, I cannot get any output from the console when I right-click. However, when I left-click, points are printed to the console.


So, this event only works when I left-click. How can I make this event work with right-click?



Since you want custom mouse behavior, you should not use setComponentPopupMenu.

Instead, display the JPopupMenu yourself, using JPopupMenu’s show method:


You must check the MouseEvent in both mousePressed and mouseReleased, because exactly when a context menu is triggered depends on the platform and the look-and-feel. (Checking in mouseClicked may or may not be necessary, but it doesn’t hurt.)

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