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Getting id after insert within a transaction (Oracle)

Let’s say I have three tables: team, player, team_player. Table team_player is a bridge table allowing a “many to many” relationship.

When someone wants to create a new team, they specify the initial players on that team.

How do I insert both the team and team_player rows in the same transaction? That is, I’d like to insert all the team_player records before committing to the new team row. I am using JDBC and Oracle.

When I try the code below, teamId is filled with a string of letters even though is a number (that is incremented by a trigger). So, this does not seem to be the id of the record which I just tried to insert (but didnt commit to yet).

c = DB.getConnection();

sql = "INSERT INTO team (name) values (?)";
myInsert = c.prepareStatement(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
myInsert.setString(1, "cougars");
int affectedRows = memoInsert.executeUpdate();

String teamId;
ResultSet generatedKeys = myInsert.getGeneratedKeys();
if ( {
    teamId = generatedKeys.getString(1);

// ...loop through players inserting each player and into team_player

// c.commit();

This is where I read about RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS: How to get the insert ID in JDBC?



The Oracle JDBC Driver does not support getGeneratedKeys() – you are manually generating the keys in your trigger, presumably from a SEQUENCE.

You can use Oracle’s returning clause:

String query = "BEGIN INSERT INTO team (name) values (?) returning id into ?; END;";
CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall(query);
cs.setString(1, "cougars");
cs.registerOutParameter(2, OracleTypes.NUMBER);

Or grab the last sequence number with a second SQL query:

SELECT mysequence.CURRVAL FROM dual
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