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Executor Service – InvokeAll: How to Map response?

I am working on parallel execution of 5 Tasks with Executor service, all the 5 tasks returns back with different object results-set depending upon the task.

I am using executor service for parallel execution of tasks :

List<Future<Object>> taskResults = ex.invokeAll(callables);

But how do we map the result set back with the task(s) ? It may not return back the response in the same order of callable list?



I found that invokeAll() sends back the response of tasks in sequential order which can be used for mapping response back to task ( callables ).

To quote the Javadoc for ExecutorService#invokeAll:


a list of Futures representing the tasks, in the same sequential order as produced by the iterator for the given task list, each of which has completed

Source :

Answer : ThreadPoolExcutor and invokeAll list order

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