I was successfully able to add StartApp ads to my project, I only added 1 banner.
My question is, why a full screen ad keeps showing when my activity is visibile? (e.g: I’m inside the app then I open YouTube without closing my app, when I get back to my app, a full screen ad pops up)
Is there any solution to disable it?
I tried removing this Manifest code who’s responsible on that ad, but my app crashes asking for that transparent activity.
android:name="com.startapp.sdk.adsbase.activities.OverlayActivity" android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize|screenLayout|keyboardHidden" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent"/>
Example of the ad showing: Screenshot
I fixed it by disabling return ads.
StartAppSDK.init(this, "StartApp App ID", false);