I am trying to create HTTP and HTTPS endpoint in one of my web service. I want secure few endpoints with HTTPS and other endpoints with plain HTTP.
I am using the below code to do the same.
public void configure() { configureJetty(); configureHttp4(); //This works with configuring Jetty from("jetty:") .to("file://./?fileName=out.csv"); //This url does not working with the configuring the jetty with configure jetty this works. from("jetty:") .to("file://./?fileName=out2.csv"); } private void configureJetty() { KeyStoreParameters ksp = new KeyStoreParameters(); ksp.setResource("./trustStore.jks"); ksp.setPassword("someSecretPassword"); KeyManagersParameters kmp = new KeyManagersParameters(); kmp.setKeyStore(ksp); kmp.setKeyPassword("someSecretPassword"); SSLContextParameters scp = new SSLContextParameters(); scp.setKeyManagers(kmp); JettyHttpComponent jettyComponent = getContext().getComponent("jetty", JettyHttpComponent.class); jettyComponent.setSslContextParameters(scp); }
The https works fine with this setup but the http endpoint does not work. If I remove the method call to configure Jetty the HTTP endpoint works. How I can configure both in the same server? I can not use spring boot but only plain camel components.
I have created a github repository with the sample code. You can find it here. sample code
You can
- create two distinct instances of jetty component, one for plain http, the other for https.
- register each of them with a specific alias (“jetty” and “jettys”)
- use appropriate alias in your endpoint uris “from(“jettys:…”)
CDI Example:
@Produces @ApplicationScoped @Named("jetty") public final JettyHttpComponent createJettyComponent1() { return this.configureJetty(false); } @Produces @ApplicationScoped @Named("jettys") public final JettyHttpComponent createJettyComponent2() { return this.configureJetty(true); } private void configureJetty(boolean ssl) { ... JettyHttpComponent jettyComponent = new JettyHttpComponent(); if (ssl) { jettyComponent.setSslContextParameters(scp); } }