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Create a SortedMap from a List objects with the Value represented as a list of N lowest object’s attributes mapped to a particular Key

I am working with a CSV file which includes some information about accidents.

I’ve created the Accident type:


I’ve also created a function that reads all the CSV file, converts all the accidents to a List<Accident> and saves it to this type AccidentArchive:


So, we are working with streams which I don’t understand entirely yet, and I’ve been stuck in this exercise where I have to make a function that returns a SortedMap<K, V> in which the key has to be the driverAge values and the value has to be a list sorted in descending order of the n lowest vehicleAge values with the same driverAge value:


I have tried using Collectors.toMap() and Collectors.toList() to somehow make it work, but I have no idea how to do it.



Simplified approach

This problem correlates with the algorithmic question of finding N maximum (or minimum) values via partial sorting. It’s implementation using collectors might seem tough, therefore I’ve decided to introduce a simplified solution.

We can use a flavor of groupingBy() that expects three arguments:

  • a classifier function,
  • a supplier mapFactory (which allows to specify the resulting type of map)
  • and a downstream collector.

As a downstream collector of groupingBy() we can utilize collectingAndThen with a combination of collectors mapping() and toList() and a function that will sort the whole resulting list mapped to each key, and then will drop unnecessary values retaining only n lowest vehicleAge:


More performant version

As I’ve said before, we don’t need to sort all values mapped to each key when we need only some of them. When n is dwarfish in comparison to the total size of the list (like 3 to 100,000 for every key) it will cause a serious performance hit.

We can introduce a partial sorting by using PriorityQueue (which is an implementation of the Heap data structure built-in in the JDK).

To enhance the previous solution, we need to replace the downstream collector of groupingBy() you can utilize a combination of mapping() and a custom collector backed by the PriorityQueue which retain only n lowest vehicleAge values associated with each driverAge:


The method provided below is responsible for generating a custom collector based on the provided maximum size of the resulting list and a comparator. The logic behind it was explained in great detail in this answer:


By the way, if your assignment doesn’t specify the requirement to utilize SortedMap as a return type. It better to use NavigableMap interface, which defines a wider range of methods, instead.
