I´m currently facing a problem with generics in Java. I need to return a parent instance casted to the child.
The sample below shows what I´m trying to achieve.
public class GenericTest { @Test public void test() { assertEquals("child", new B().returnParentInstanceAsChild().name()); } public static class Parent { public String name() { return "parent"; } } public static abstract class A<Child extends Parent> { public Child returnParentInstanceAsChild() { return (Child) new Parent(); } } public static class ChildEntity extends Parent { @Override public String name() { return "child"; } } public static class B extends A<ChildEntity> { } }
This code does not run through and produces this exception instead:
class com.generics.GenericTest$Parent cannot be cast to class com.generics.GenericTest$ChildEntity (com.generics.GenericTest$Parent and com.generics.GenericTest$ChildEntity are in unnamed module of loader ‘app’) java.lang.ClassCastException: class com.generics.GenericTest$Parent cannot be cast to class com.generics.GenericTest$ChildEntity (com.generics.GenericTest$Parent and com.generics.GenericTest$ChildEntity are in unnamed module of loader ‘app’)
I´m wondering why it fails, as we have enforced that Child needs to be of type Parent.
Why is there a problem and how can it be solved?
This fails for the same reason the below line fails:
ChildEntity child = (ChildEntity) new Parent();
At runtime the cast will fail because a Parent
is not a ChildEntity
You probably want to make the subclass responsible for creating the child instance, so you can make the parent class method abstract:
public static abstract class A<T extends Parent> { public abstract T returnParentInstanceAsChild(); } public static class B extends A<ChildEntity> { @Override public ChildEntity returnParentInstanceAsChild() { return new ChildEntity(); } }