For my password strength checker, I am unable to display the score that I get from the password that I enter. Here is the code below, the problem is displayed all the way at the bottom of my code:
import java.lang.Thread.State; import java.util.Scanner; public class PasswordUtils { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Password to test: "); String pw = sc.nextLine(); if (containsUpperCase(pw)) { System.out.println(" ...contains an upper case letter"); } if (containsLowerCase(pw)) { System.out.println(" ...contains an lower case letter"); } if (containsDigit(pw)) { System.out.println(" ...contains a number"); } if (containsSpecial(pw)) { System.out.println(" ...contains a number"); } sc.close(); }
/** * Determine if the given string contains an upper case letter * @param s the string to check * @return true if and only if s contains an upper case letter */
public static boolean containsUpperCase(String s) { for (int letter=0; letter<s.length(); letter++) { if ("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".indexOf(s.charAt(letter))>=0) { return true; } } return false; } public static boolean containsLowerCase(String s) { for (int letter=0; letter<s.length(); letter++) { if ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".indexOf(s.charAt(letter))>=0) { return true; } } return false; } public static boolean containsDigit(String s) { for (int letter=0; letter<s.length(); letter++) { if ("1234567890".indexOf(s.charAt(letter))>=0) { return true; } } return false;
public static boolean containsSpecial(String s) { for (int letter=0; letter<s.length(); letter++) { if ("!@#$%^&*()_-+=[]{};:,.<>?/|".indexOf(s.charAt(letter))>=0) { return true; } } return false;
/** * Determine the actual strength of a password based upon various tests * @param s the password to evaluate * @return the strength (on a 1 to 5 scale, 5 is very good) of the password */ public static int score(String s) { int pwscore = 0; //if it contains one digit, add 1 to total score if( s.matches("(?=.*[0-9]).*") ) pwscore += 1; //if it contains one lower case letter, add 1 to total score if( s.matches("(?=.*[a-z]).*") ) pwscore += 1; //if it contains one upper case letter, add 1 to total score if( s.matches("(?=.*[A-Z]).*") ) pwscore += 1; //if it contains one special character, add 1 to total score if( s.matches("(?=.*[~!@#$%^&*()_-]).*") ) pwscore += 1; System.out.println("The password strength is " + pwscore); return pwscore; // Right now, all passwords stink!!! }
Instead of re-implementing the tests, and you say you already have functional code – I’d prefer that, like –
public static int score(String pw) { int score = 1; // <-- 1 to 5... if (containsUpperCase(pw)) { score++; } if (containsLowerCase(pw)) { score++; } if (containsDigit(pw)) { score++; } if (containsSpecial(pw)) { score++; } return score; }
And then call it and print the result in main
System.out.println("The score is " + score(pw));