Due to a small implementation mistake I discovered how quickly I could reach a Java heap space issue
now the bug is fixed everything is fine but it did get me looking into how to solve this and I foudn multiple solution such as
java -Xms5m -Xmx15m MyApp
the problem is that this changes the java memory on my computer, but I’m working on a Applet that is going to be used in a webrowser.
Therefore, is there a way, at RUNTIME in an APPLET to change the heap size ?
You can add parameters to the applet tag. But the parameter you are interested on is available only on Java6 u10 or later.
<APPLET archive="my_applet.jar" code="MyApplet" width="300" height="300">
<PARAM name="java_arguments" value="-Xmx256m">
Here more information http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/plugin2-142482.html#JAVA_ARGUMENTS