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Advertisement cannot be cast to android.widget.LinearLayout

I’m developing an app and I had some errors. When I run on the tablet it gives this error, but when I go to mobile it works perfectly. I already tried to clean and rebuild and tried to reboot the computer but I’m still having errors.

See the code below:




And the others linearlayout is the same, the error that show me is


The strange thing is that the error only shows when I run in tablets, and on a regular phone it’s normal.



the strange is that the error only show when i run in tablets, in regular phone its normal

Do you have any additional layout- folders declared in /res? My guess would be that you have another layout file sharing the same name in a size-specific folder (e.g. in layout-xlarge) which has android:id="@+id/btCatalogo" assigned to an AppCompatButton rather than a LinearLayout.

See also – Supporting Multiple Screens

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